Information Systems Engineering

The group of study fields: Computer Sciences
Field of study program: Informatics Engineering
Code of study program: 6531BX020
Type of study program: Undergraduate (college) study programme
Cycle of study program: Professional Bachelor degree programme

Language of study program: Lithuanian, English
Credits and form of study program: 180 credits. Full-time studies - 3 years, part-time studies - 4 years.

The objective of Information Systems Engineering study programme to develop a fully educated, ethically responsible, communicative, creative and entrepreneurial personality, able to constantly improve themselves, work in teams, take initiative and take personal responsibility, able to compete in the market of rapidly changing technologies, products and services, using informatics and electronics methods, engineering principles and technologies for secure information systems that can be used to solve relevant professional problems in various fields.

Possible specializations: Management of Computer Systems, Management of Internet Projects, Programming for Mobile Devices.

The graduates will be able to work in the various branches of information engineering:

  • perform basic PC and peripheral hardware maintenance;
  • exploitation computer software;
  • project, install and exploitation local area network and integrate to global network;
  • manage and control resources of information;
  • provide development perspectives of information systems;
  • set information technology economically justified demand enterprise information services strategy;
  • model and manage a project of computer network;
  • read, analyze and model graphics images with various program devices;
  • model and manage projects of mobile devices.

After completion of the study programme, a graduate:

Knowledge and its Application:

1.1. Explain the basic facts, concepts, theories and mathematical methods related to computer operation, computer hardware and software, its features and practical applications, computer communication and applied solutions that are related to important historical, current and potential in the field of computer science. changes and trends in the future.

1.2. Explain the principles of algorithm design and analysis, programming paradigms, languages and technologies, human-computer interaction principles, typical software life cycle stages, and software development and maintenance methods.

1.3. Explain how the business, industrial, economic and social context affects professional practices, defined by ethical standards and governed by legal requirements, including data protection, intellectual property rights, contracts, product safety, liability and other related issues.

1.4. To apply the knowledge of computer engineering studies, creating safe and other information system solutions that meet the relevant criteria to solve specific problems of professional activity.

1.5. Explain the methods of computer and other specialized digital technology development, its structure and principles of operation, and its application to solve specific tasks.

Research skills:

2.1. To describe the problem of computer engineering professional activity.

2.2. To prepare data and information from various sources necessary for solving the problem of professional activity in computer engineering.

2.3. To analyze the data, information and solutions required to solve the problem of IT engineering professional activity according to specific criteria.

2.4. To evaluate the data, information necessary to solve the problem of professional activity in informatics engineering and to base decisions on reasoned conclusions.

Special abilities:

3.1. To apply relevant informatics and electronics engineering methods in formulating and solving applied tasks in various fields.

3.2. To select software and hardware when creating new or improving existing information systems.

3.3. Implement specialized software for computerized information systems, applying relevant standards, typical life cycle stages and project management methods.

3.4. Evaluate computer systems according to performance, security and reliability criteria.

3.5. Proper implementation and maintenance of computer systems.

3.6. To prepare a specification, design or other documentation required for the development of a product or service in the field of computer engineering.

Management of Computer Systems specialization:

3.7. Analyse, model, project and design computer systems.

Management of Internet Projects specialization:

3.8. Analyse, project, design and manage a website project.

Programming for Mobile Devices specialization:

3.9. Analyse, model, project and design applications for mobile devices.

Social abilities:

4.1. To communicate professionally in the state and at least one foreign language with specialist audiences.

4.2. Work in teams in accordance with the principles and rules of professional, ethical conduct and social responsibility.

Personal abilities:

5.1. Independent learning for continuous personal and professional development.

5.2. To work independently and responsibly, taking initiative and taking personal responsibility.

5.3. Demonstrate creativity in solving professional tasks and problems.

The subjects (modules) of Information Systems Engineering study programme:

Full-time studies:

1st year
1 semester 2 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits

Professional Lithuanian and Professional Ethics

3 Professional English Language 5

Philosophy/Sociology/Communication Psychology

3 Information Technology Law 3
Fundamentals of Technomathematics 6 Data Structures and Algorithms 4
Applied Physics 4 Internet of Things 3
Information Technologies and Programming Fundamentals 6 Discrete Mathematics 4
Electrotechnics and Electronics 5

Object Oriented Programming in C++

Object Oriented Programming in Phyton

Cognitive Practice

3 Programming Practice 6
2nd year
3 semester 4 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Human-Computer Interaction 6

Information Security

Operating Systems 3

Enterprise Economics

Formal Languages and Automata Theory 3 Multimedia 5
Computer Architecture 6 Modern and Smart Technology 3
Internet Technology 6

Computer Networks


Practice for Developing Applied Solutions

3 Computer Systems Exploitation Practice 6
Freely selective subject 1 3 Freely selective subject 2 3
3rd year
5 semester 6 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
IT Infrastructure Management 3 Final Practice 9

Module: Fundamentals of Information Systems Engineering


Module of the chosen specialization

1. Information Systems and Database



1 subject of the module  3
2. Fundamentals of Systems Engineering 3 2 subject of the module  3
3. Management of IT projects 3 3 subject of the module  3
4. Module Tutorials and Project Work 3 Module Tutorials and Project Work 3
Electronic Business 3 Professional Bachelor Graduation Thesis 9
Professional and Entrepreneurship Skills’ Training Practice 6    
Fundamentals of the Final Paper Development 3    

Part-time studies:

1st year
1 semester 2 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Professional Lithuanian and Professional Ethics 3 Professional English Language 5
Applied Physics 4 Information Technology Law 3
Fundamentals of Technomathematics 6 Electrotechnics and Electronics 5
Philosophy/Sociology/Communication Psychology 3 Discrete Mathematics 4
Information Technologies and Programming Fundamentals 6 Internet of Things 3
    Cognitive Practice 3
2nd year
3 semester 4 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Multimedia 5 Information Security 4
Computer Architecture 6 Computer Networks 6
Data Structures and Algorithms 4

Formal Languages and Automata Theory


Object Oriented Programming in C++

Object Oriented Programming in Phyton
5 Programming Practice 6
Operating Systems 3 Freely selective subject 3
3rd year
5 semester 6 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
Modern and Smart Technology 3 Electronic Business 3

Human-Computer Interaction

6 Module: Fundamentals of Information Systems Engineering 15
Enterprise Economics 3 Information Systems and Database 6
Internet Technology 5 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering 3
Practice for Developing Applied Solutions 3 Management of IT projects 3
  Module Tutorials and Project Work 3
Computer Systems Exploitation Practice 6
4th year
7 semester 8 semester
Subject Credits Subject Credits
IT Infrastructure Management 3 Final Practice 9
Freely selective subject 3 Fundamentals of the Final Paper Development 3
Professional and Entrepreneurship Skills’ Training Practice 6 Professional Bachelor Graduation Thesis 9
Module of the chosen specialization 12  
1 subject of the module  3
2 subject of the module  3
3 subject of the module  3
Module Tutorials and Project Work 3

Students can choose from these specializations:

  • Management of Computer Systems;
  • Management of Internet Projects;
  • Programming for Mobile Devices.

Other subject descriptions:

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