Mentors' Programme

Mentors' Programme

The number of students, incoming to Utena University of Applied Sciences has been increasing since the mobility started.

In order to make the adaptation process of incoming students at our UAS easier, the Mentors' Programme has been established.

A mentor is a student of Utena UAS who has already studied abroad (or perhaps is planning to study in the future), has international and intercultural experience and voluntarily helps the incoming foreign students. A mentor is a person who:

  • Meets new incoming students at the station and accompanies them to the students’ home;
  • Assists students to orient themselves in the college and in Utena during their period of studies here;
  • Helps them find the library and classrooms;
  • Helps them make new friends among Lithuanian students, etc.

Mentors' Programme at Utena University of Applied Sciences aims to help incoming students to adapt to the new academic, social and cultural environment. The Department of Languages and Communication in cooperation with the Department of International Relations coordinates the Programme. Every semester the Department of International Relations organizes various meetings, excursions and parties for all incoming students.


Rūta Jurgelionienė
The head of the department of International Relations